Sunday, February 04, 2007


We beat the students at the Volleyball challenge. OK, now for the details to rub it in. The students won the first game 15-about 11, then we won all the rest of the games we played. We used rally scoring for those of you who care.

The kids were rather surprised, after all their bravo about how they were going to beat us. It didn't seem to matter who we put in or who was serving. Although, Grant softened them up with a run of about seven nice serves in one game. I had to follow his lead and finish them off with a large number of serves in the next game that left them with glazed eyes as they seemed to lose all semblence of order.

We did have two secret weapons: Grant came home and added some welcome height and serving ability, and a guy name Keith who was out for the day from jail, who demonstrated on the teens how a spike should be done.

We are already planning a rematch, should the students be brave enough to want one, for the first Saturday night of next month. So, if you are in the area, and want to be on the winning team, come on out.

Sorry there are no photos, but we wanted to spare the LOSERS.

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