Friday, January 12, 2007

Back at work, two committee meetings, semester grades to get out, coliform in the water we drink- was vacation really only a week ago? At least the break got rid of the flu going around the school. All the kids went their separate ways and gave who knows what to who knows whom as a Christmas present! But by the time they came back, it had run it's course.

We attacked the lighthouse.

Beach beauties in winter.

The early bird gets the ??????

Nathan Green's early work.

A sorting problem.

Caretakers nightmare,
nature lovers delight.
The beaver ponds.

Rest stop and a rare photo.



i been stealin a few pics off u & yer daughter's blogz... only recent 1s i gots uv famly. ;)

Surfs Up said...

Too bad we couldn't have made it back to Au Sable this Christmas of 2007. We'll have to go back sometime!